Africa cherry / 2 kg / bax

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SKU: Cirese Africa / 2 kg / bax. Category: .

Cherry fruits have reduced energy value of between 43-89 kcal / 100 g fresh fruit on average 57 kcal / 100 g . They contain a wide variety of nutritious components , among which may be mentioned : 6-15 % sugars (more especially levulose assimilated by diabetics ) , organic acids (especially salicylic acid ) , proteins , pectins , carotene , saponins , flavonoids , vitamins ( C , A, B1 , B2 , E, PP ), and an optimum amount of mineral salts , in particular potassium ( 220 mg % ) and Ca, P , Mg , Fe and some trace elements are absolutely necessary in human therapy (Zn , Cu, Mn , Co ) . Great importance has ellagic acid , which removes the effects of carcinogens , natural or synthetic , thus preventing cancer incidence .