Black radish / 10 – 14 kg

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SKU: Ridiche neagra / 10 - 14 kg. Category: .

Black Radish , known since the time of ancient Egypt , was introduced in Europe by the Romans. They used it more because of its therapeutic qualities and often in the kitchen. Research has shown that black radish promotes proper blood circulation , leading to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease .

Black radish syrup relieves cough and lead to the elimination of harmful substances in the bronchi and lungs. Nervous system , black radish acts as a sedative. In what concerns her children , black radish can be an excellent remedy against rickets , helping to fix calcium and fortify the body , optimizing the process of growth and development.

Black Radish has a distinct taste , slightly spicy and has in its composition rafanol , vitamins B and C , magnesium , iron and calcium , iodine . It is recommended gallstones, liver failure , lung , cough, rheumatism , gout , arthritis, asthma , allergies , skin diseases .

Depurative and energizing , black radish , especially as juice , has the gift of clean liver and kidneys of toxins they flood , help intestines , stomach and gallbladder .