Green lovage Romania ( leg )

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SKU: Leustean verde ro ( leg ). Category: .
Lovage , unique and inimitable scent of our soups , Romanian , not lacking in any kitchen, brought fresh from the garden or at the market , or dry , especially if the housewife likes to feed the family with healthy food , cooked . Few know that lovage has proven therapeutic qualities , and even magic .

As plant - medicine , lovage can be consumed as such or in the form of juice or wine infusion . People who suffer from digestive disorders are advised lovage . Bloating is treated with infusion or green leaves, chopped fresh made ​​soup , or salad plate directly . It was also found that infusion of lovage melt fat and remove toxins .

Antidepressant and aphrodisiac

Lovage is antidepressant , detoxifier and aphrodisiac. Tea lovage , consisting of a cup of boiling water is poured over a tablespoon of dried herb , left 10-15 minutes infused treat whooping cough , edema and renal cadiace , indigestion .